As part of Teen Tech Week we will be having a contest in which you can create a book trailer promoting your favorite book.
WHAT IS A BOOK TRAILER: A book trailer is similar to a movie trailer, in that it is designed to create interest in a book and to encourage others to read the book.
• You must be between the ages of 13-18 to enter.
• Your video should be 1-3 minutes long.
• Your video should promote a book available at the Buena Park Library.
• You must upload your video directly to YouTube and then send us the link using the online entry form explained below. Videos must be uploaded by March 16, 2009.
• Your video may not contain content that is inappropriate (think PG rating).
• You can find information and examples of book trailers at http://ca.youtube.com/iplteens and http://www.kalama.com/~zimba/tjomsland/yalit/booktrailers.html (some of the individual trailers are dead links to try the following examples: The Chocolate War, The Dangerous Book for Boys, How I Live Now, and I am the Messenger).
The entries will be judged based on how well the above rules were met and how entertaining or informative the video was. The creator of the winning video will receive a Best Buy™ gift card.
• Sign up for a free YouTube account at www.youtube.com.
• Get help with creating, uploading and troubleshooting your video at the
YouTube Help Center.
• Great information on camera work, lighting, sound, editing, music and more at http://www.youtube.com/video_toolbox
The official entry form for the Buena Park Library’s Book Trailer Contest is located at www.buenaparklibrary.org (click on Teen Tech Week YouTube Contest link) and